
We will organise a series of workshops and masterclasses both before, during after the conference. These will last for either half a day long, or a full day. The intention is to ensure these are skills based and that there is something for everyone!

The Early Career workshops will take place within the main conference programme and are free of charge for conference delegates. All these workshops will take place at the main conference venue: P&J Live.

All the other workshops and masterclasses will take place either on the Monday before the conference, the Friday after the conference or both. They are an optional, paid for element that you can choose at registration or you can go back and add to your registration at a later date. All workshops will have minimum and maximum numbers.

All pre and post conference workshops will take place on the University of Aberdeen’s Old Aberdeen Campus. The main meeting point, registration and refreshments will be located in the Science Teaching Hub building 9 on the Campus Map and you will be directed to the correct place from there.

Early Career Workshops

Four workshops for early career researchers will run during the 3 days of the conference. These will be:

  • Publishing and the IAS journals (by the Editors of Sedimentology and the Depositional Record)
  • Effective use of social media
  • How to put together a CV & cover letter
  • Careers outside academia

These workshops will be free of charge to conference delegates.

Digital Core

One-day Workshop

In the oil and gas industry, digitalized and standardized data, including core samples, well logs, seismic data, and geological maps, is co-visualized to enhance geological interpretation. Geoscientists can analyze multiple data types simultaneously, revealing patterns and correlations that are not evident in isolation. This approach aids in stratigraphic analysis, helping to identify lithological composition, sedimentary structures, and depositional environments. In hydrocarbon exploration, core visualization is essential for reservoir characterization, enabling the assessment of rock properties and productivity for effective reservoir management.

Delivered by: Olivier Lopez

Image Log Analysis

One-day Workshop

Borehole image logs bridge the scale gap between core and seismic data and are the closest thing to being able to carry out field geology in the subsurface and as such are perfect for undertaking sedimentological interpretation even where core is unavailable.

Join this workshop to learn from industry specialists, see for yourself the detail that these techniques can provide, and explore how modern image logs can be most effectively used in cutting-edge sedimentology’

Delivered by: Craig Buchan (Task Fronterra)

Classic Cores of the North Sea

Half-day Workshop

With the assistance of North Sea Core (a local company that provides core for educational use, rescuing it from destruction), participants in this workshop will be travelling through the depositional history of the North Sea by looking at cores from a wide variety of depositional settings and ages.

Digital Outcrop Methodology 

One-day Workshop

Over the past 20 years the use of virtual outcrops in the geosciences has transitioned from niche research topic to mainstream tool. Today, the majority of virtual outcrop models are typically built using photogrammetry, a method of building 3D models from multiple photos. This practical workshop will be split into two parts: Data acquisition, model building and applications, and Building and deploying virtual fieldtrips.

Delivered by: John Howell and Jessica Pugsley

Geophysics in Sedimentology 

One-day Workshop

This workshop will focus on the use of geophysical techniques to aid in understanding sedimentary structures in the subsurface. It will consist of two parts: (1) the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to understand sediments in the shallow subsurface, and 2) will discuss the construction and use of synthetic seismic models of subsurface sedimentary sequences to enable an improved understand of seismic imaging and aid interpretation of real seismic sections.

Deep Water Clastics

One-day Workshop

Can you tell a turbidite from a contourite? Struggling to identify hybrid event beds? When does a channel become a lobe? If these questions sound familiar then sign up for the masterclass in deep-water sedimentology: From process to architecture – workflows in deep-marine clastics.

This day-long workshop will combine taught material (~50%), with exercises on digital virtual outcrops and cores to teach the fundamentals of deep-water sediment transport to recent advances in characterizing subsurface stratigraphic architecture.

Delivered by: Adam McArthur (Turbidites Research Group)


One-day Workshop

An excellent opportunity to learn about trace fossils, this will be a masterclass in ichnology taught by a world-leading ichnologist, involving a blend of lectures and core viewing, allowing participants to get hands-on session to practice and discuss key features they see in the rocks.

Delivered by: Dirk Knaust (Equinor)