Digital Core Workshop

The oil and gas industry has acquired during the last decades massive amount of data from core photos, logs, to seismic data. Most of these different datasets are now digitalized and standardized which makes it possible for geoscientists to co visualize them in dedicated software or apps and maximize their original value by combining them.

For geological Interpretation co-visualization of core data allows geoscientists to examine various types of data simultaneously, such as core samples, well logs, seismic data, and geological maps. This integrated approach helps in the interpretation of complex geological features, enabling researchers to identify patterns, relationships, and potential correlations that may not be apparent when considering each data type in isolation. For stratigraphic analysis, by visualizing core data alongside other relevant information, geoscientists can determine the lithological composition, sedimentary structures, and fossil content of different layers. This helps using geoscientist’s expertise or machine learning algorithms in establishing the depositional environment, identifying facies changes, and reconstructing past geological events. In the context of hydrocarbon exploration, core visualization plays a crucial role in reservoir characterization. Combining core data with petrophysical properties and seismic data allows geoscientists to analyze the rock properties, such as porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation, in different reservoir zones. This information is vital for estimating the reservoir’s productivity and designing effective drainage or storage strategies.