Abstract Submission

The conference Local Organising Committee welcome submissions on all aspects of sedimentology, from glacial systems to hot-springs, deep water sedimentation to aeolian dunes to coral reefs and sabkhas, from deep time to the modern day, whether on Earth or Mars or elsewhere in the solar system, from processes of deposition to deep burial diagenesis.

Please note that you will be asked to select a very broad theme for your abstract (“terrestrial clastic”; “terrestrial carbonate”; “marine clastic”; “marine carbonate”; or “other” (which you can then describe). The conference Scientific Committee will then make more specific sessions from the abstracts that we receive, rather than having a call for sessions in advance. So whether your abstract is on Martian dunes, or Mexican turbidites, or microbial dolomites from China, or anything else related to sedimentary geology, we’ll help it find the right session.


Due to popular demand we have decided to extend the deadline for submission of abstracts for IAS Aberdeen 2024. We will do this in two stages: abstracts received before the 8th December will be reviewed first and have priority – before the winter break (23rd December). This will hopefully help give time for individuals who require travel visas time to apply.

Abstracts received by the 8th January  will be reviewed in a second batch. For many Universities Monday the 8th January is the first date back after the winter holidays, and is the latest we can possibly make it if we are to allow the required 6 months for visa applications between notifying of abstract acceptance and start of the conference.

The “early” deadlines are necessary because of the time now required for international travel visa applications. Several individuals were unfortunately unable to travel to the last IAS meeting because of the short time between the abstract deadline and the conference.

Abstract submission is done through our event management system – Events Air – please note you will be directed to a separate website to submit. There are instructions as you progress through the submission system.


For more information see our easy to follow guide to the submission process.

Registration for the conference is open! Fieldtrips and workshops have limited spaces available, so register early to avoid disappointment.